Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q. When I do a search using a from and to, why do I get no results?
  • A. When you enter in from and to values, the search does a "between" to find the results. As an example, if you are searching on Company and you are looking for "ACME", just put in ACME in the from box and click "Search". This will display all records with "ACME" in it. If you know it starts with an "A", put "A" in the from box and "B" in the to box to get all records between "A" and "B". If you wanted all companies that start with "SMITH", put SMITH in the from box and SMITHZ in the to box.
  • Q. From the Dashboard view, what do the various statuses mean?
  • A. Each status relates to a different stage of production your mailing could be in.
    Pre-Proc The data is going through our pre-processor.
    Break-Pack The data is importing into our database.
    Cleansing The addresses are put in the correct USPS format and the addresses are updated by NCOALink.
    Auto Job The system is waiting to make sure there aren't any other jobs coming in to be combined with the current one.
    Presort Data is getting sorted by zip code to get the lowest possible postage rate.
    Ready to Print Job waiting to print or currently printing.
    Inserting Job is currently being inserted.
    Insert Complete Job has completed inserting.
    Closed/Completed Job has been mailed.

  • Q. What are the different kind of reports for?
  • A. See table below for report definitions.
    Bad Address Report Shows addresses that aren't necessarily in the USPS database. This report shows addresses that are not correct per the USPS database. This doesn't mean that the address doesn't exist, it could just mean that the address is not in the correct format, a word is not spelled correctly, it is abbreviated and not supposed to be or abbreviated incorrectly. (Recommended use – this report would be used to research and change all addresses that do not qualify according to the USPS. Each address corrected will result in direct postage savings.)
    Change Address CSV Shows every customers original address and what address were outputted to be printed. This is a very detailed report consisting of every customer in the data file with their original addresses and their processed addresses. The processed addresses are the addresses that have gone through cleansing. The report also shows you the cleansing code; reason why the address was changed, if that address had an NCOALink update to that address and when it goes into effect. (Recommended use – this report would be used to research and change all addresses that do not qualify according to the USPS. Each address corrected will result in direct postage savings.)
    Itemized Submission Report This report shows a quick glance of the details of the data file. This report shows a quick glance on how many statements went out under the presort cost, how many didn't and how many NCOALinks were in that data file. It also shows how many impressions were in the file. (Recommended use – this report would be used to show a high level view of the data file that was sent over.)
    NCOA Move Report This report shows what customers had an NCOALink request on file. This report shows what customers had their addresses changed. It shows the type, move date, account number, and previous and current addresses. (Recommended use – this report would be used to change all addresses that have a move update on file with the USPS. Each address corrected will result in direct postage savings.)
    Presort Document CSV This report shows the details of the data file, just like the Change Address CSV report, but with the document number and the breakdown of the IMB. This is a very detailed report consisting of every customer in the data file with their original addresses and their processed addresses. The processed addresses are the addresses that have gone through cleansing. The report also shows you the cleansing code; reason why the address was changed, if that address had an NCOALink update and when the NCOALink update went into effect. The report also includes the breakdown of the IMB, the document number (Piece number) and the document ID. The document ID is used to trace that piece of mail through the delivery. (Recommended use – this report would be used to review the data file in a detail. Each address that is corrected, could result in direct NCOALink or postage savings.)
    Return Address Summary This report shows where the return address is going to. This report shows where the return address is going to. (Recommended use - this report would be used to verify that DataProse is using the correct information for the remit address.)
    Satori Move Summary This report shows you the details of NCOALink updates. This report shows the details of how many statements went through NCOALink, how many matched a move update, how many were not matched; no move update on record, new addresses returned; of the addresses that matched an NCOALink update had a new address on file, and new addresses unavailable; of the addresses that matched an NCOALink update did not have a new address on file. (Recommended use – this report would be used to change all addresses that have a move update on file with the USPS. Each address corrected will result in direct NCOALink savings.)
    Submission Breakdown Report The report shows a high level breakdown of the data file. This report shows the number of statements, how many total pages the job used, and how many statements go in each tray.
    Submission Detail Report This report shows the detail of the data file. The report shows every customer in the data file with their account ID, customer name, amount due on the statement, if it should be suppressed from printing, and if it is an eStatement or not. (Recommended use - this report would be used to double check the accounts that are suppressed from printing.)